March 29, 2011

I can't decide!

Sila tengok gambar di atas “rambut especially”. Cantikkan color rambut diorang. Dark purple. I wish I could have this color of hair. But, it's maybe got many possibilities. 1st, maybe I love this hair for the first time, after that I start boring with it. 2nd, just like the 1st one, I’m bored with it and start missing my black hair yang beautiful (^_^). 3rd, my boyfriend maybe not allow me to color my hair, even purple is his favorite color. 4th, my parent maybe (*not maybe but will) scold me because I’m using the money that they given to color my hair. 5th, my hair will be damage because of this. 6th, kak ila maybe will said that my hair is so ugly Betty. Haha (*_*”)
Actually I love my black hair. Really love. But when I looked at this photo I feel like, oh, I want that hair, I want color my hair like those picture. Don’t u feel like I’m a hair victim? Hahaha no I’m not. (malu nak ngaku)
Ehm, then now? I don’t know whether I still want to color my hair or not. Let me think first.


  1. jgn2......nty xsah sembahyang kot......astaga....

  2. ehm kalo pakai yg halal punya? :D

  3. halal punya???hitam kn dh lawa....hitam tu kn menawan..hehehe

  4. yg syurah punya 2.ehm tp kalo kat salon ade ke brand syurah?pikir jap.

    hitam mmg la lawa, tapi saje nk try yg baru.
